Community Meal & Bingo
Community Meal & Bingo- Free
Lower level at Denton Wesleyan Church in the red room. Take out or eat in. (Take outs are available after 6:00pm)
Chicken sandwich, chips and dessert.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Come and hear the Easter story like you never have before!
Easter Service
8:30 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Easter Egg Hunt
10:00 am Worship Service
Christmas Community Meal
The Community Meal will be served in the red room (lower level) between 5:30pm-7pm on Thursday, December 19. Take out or eat in. (Take outs are available after 6:15pm)
Please call the church if you have any questions or concerns. 336-859-4565
Pork Shoulders, Baked Beans, Slaw, Potato Salad, Rolls & Dessert.
Christmas Extravaganza! - DWC Christmas Program
Our DWC Kids are putting on a Christmas show!
Love Feast
The Love Feast, or Agape Meal, is a Christian fellowship meal recalling the meals Jesus shared with disciples during his ministry and expressing the koinonia (community, sharing, fellowship) enjoyed by the family of Christ.
Denton Wesleyan Church
16345 NC HWY 109 South, Denton, NC 27239
Friendsgiving (Community Meal)
The Community Meal will be served in the red room (lower level) between 5:30pm-7pm on Tuesday, November 26.
Please call the church if you have any questions or concerns.
Turkey, Green Beans, Cranberry Sauce, Dressing, Gravy & Dessert.
40 days of Prayer (kick off service)
This service will be in person only. No live stream.
4th of July Celebration
Come out to DWC’s County Fair style 4th of July celebration! Enjoy a free hotdog dinner, games, water slide and DJ!
We will end the night with a fireworks show that you won’t want to miss!
Family Fun Night - Let's go to a baseball game!
We will go to the Greensboro Grasshoppers vs Greenville Drive game!
Game time is 6:30pm and is followed by Fireworks!!
If you would like tickets, please email us at
Family Fun Day
Inflatables, Petting Zoo, and Games.
Hamburger and hot dogs will be provide. Bring a side dish and/or drink.
Coffee House & More
Every Sunday Night in February
Coffee, Board Games, and Small Groups.
A great time to hang out and unwind!
Winter Wonderland
Come and enjoy a Winter Wonderland of games. Crafts, Cookies, Hot Chocolate.
Write letters to Santa and pictures with Santa.
Fall Bonfire/Coffee & More
We will have a ONE NIGHT ONLY Coffee & More event featuring a bonfire for you and the whole family to enjoy! Live music, games, bonfire, hot dogs, chips, specialty drinks, and small group time is just what we need to kick off this holiday season together.
The New York missions team will be sharing their experiences at this event so please come out to support them and hear about their kingdom work!
Golf Tournament (Cambodia Missionaries Fundraiser)
1PM start time
Winding Creek Golf Course
72 Winding Creek Rd., Thomasville, NC 27360
1st and 2nd place awards! Chance to win prizes!
Saturday, October 14 - 12pm
Entry forms and entry fees must be received by October 2
For more information and registration
Hole Sponsors: (All hole sponsors must be received by October 2)
$250 Bronze Sponsor
Company name/logo on 1 hole
Company name/logo posted at check-in,
Company name/logo on printed material
$100 Hole Sponsor
Company name/logo on 1 hole
$1000 Gold Sponsor
Company name/logo on 2 hole
Company name/logo on 1 tee box
Company name/logo posted at check-in
Company name/logo on printed material
Tournament registration for 4 players
$500 Silver Sponsor
Company name/logo on 1 hole
Company name/logo on 1 tee box
Company name/logo posted at check-in
Company name/logo on printed material
For more information email:
Coffee House & More
Coffee, Board Games, and Small Groups.
A great time to hang out and unwind!
Coffee House & More
Coffee, Board Games, and Small Groups.
A great time to hang out and unwind!
Coffee House & More
Coffee, Board Games, and Small Groups.
A great time to hang out and unwind!
Love Life Prayer Walk
DWC is partnering with love life and we have adopted a week
Sunday, July 30 is our launch week
Wednesday, August 2 Fast and Pray
Prayer service 6pm-6:45pm (The service will be available live and online)
Saturday, August 5
We will participate in a prayer walk from 9am - 11am in Greensboro at Destiny Christian Church , 2401 Randleman Road
If you interested you can sign up at:
CANCELED - Who-Ville Christmas Party
Decorate cookies, ornament craft, write a letter to Santa Claus and pictures with Santa!
Lessons and Carols Service
Hear the Christmas story through scripture readings and traditional songs. Communion will be taken during the service. A perfect time to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with the whole family.
Fall Kick Off
Ice Cream Showdown - Hot Dogs - Inflatables - Petting Zoo
Bring your best churn of ice cream or a dessert to share. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place get bragging rights for a year and an awesome trophy!
Mercy's Well
Mercy’s Well is carving their own unique niche in today’s Christian music scene. This exciting vocal group is This exciting vocal group is comfortable performing on concert stages before thousands, as well as in a rural churches across the nation.
Darrell & Dawn Ritchie in Concert
30 years on the road… a testimony of God’s grace, faithfulness, and restoration…voices of peace and comfort for lives in the broken places…and the beautifully imperfect worship of a wonderfully perfect God…